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Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:10 pm
by miftah
I know this is going illicit a round of sighs and rolled eyeballs, but its forum policy and I enforce that. Lets please stop employing gay in place of lame. I've been stealthily replacing the word as needed but I think a reminder is in order for general awareness. I'm not pointing fingers, but please, just monitor yourself.

Is anyone here gay and offended? Not that I know of. But I'm straight and offended by it being used that way, and I think that's all that matters. I know for fact I'm not alone on that.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:18 pm
by mudflap
miftah wrote:I know this is going illicit a round of sighs and rolled eyeballs, but its forum policy and I enforce that. Lets please stop employing gay in place of lame. I've been stealthily replacing the word as needed but I think a reminder is in order for general awareness. I'm not pointing fingers, but please, just monitor yourself.

Is anyone here gay and offended? Not that I know of. But I'm straight and offended by it being used that way, and I think that's all that matters. I know for fact I'm not alone on that.
Thumbs up.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:25 pm
Wow, I thought saying that went out decades ago but now thanks to miftah I am finding just how sheltered I am from the cold hard world.

On a side note, I recently started saying "douche bag" again after 20 years but now I am worried about all the douche bags that I might be offending.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:38 pm
by miftah
If that were possible, Charlie Gibson would have felt a tidal wave of douche bag shame wash over him tonight during the debate. What a smug cock.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:35 am
by Deater
OK, so douche bag is OK then right? I assure you, I take no offense. :P Also, as long as I can use the word retardiest, I'll be good to go.

Well anyway, so much for freedom of speech. What about if I sucked a guys dick just to prove that I don't mean it in an offensive matter? It's just that the words 'gay' and 'fag' are too good to let go. Of course, by no means, would I over use the word; but sometimes instead of the word 'lame' or 'douche' the word 'gay' just comes out. If a friend asks me if a shirt looks 'gay,' and it does, I'll tell him, "that shirt is pretty gay." Just an example, but you know what I mean. I am not anti-gay. I think that a persons sexual preferences are their own, and as long as they're not hurting me, I don't care. I've had friends that were gay and I didn't think they would rape me if I passed out on the floor, and I don't think every gay person wants to do me. I'll even tell my gay friends in a joking matter, "that's gay." If they can handle it, I think we can to.

I'm sure there are many words and expressions that people use that others don't like. For example, someone you know walks around all of the time calling everyone 'dude.' "What's up dude. How's it going dude. Dude, where's my car?" Suppose that I HATE the word dude. Do I have a right to tell this guy not to use the word 'dude?' IMO, no, I don't, I have to exercise tolerance. Tolerance is the key to getting along.

I don't use the word 'gay' around here because I feel that the people around here are of a certain intelligence and we have built a certain mutual understanding and respect. In fact, I was very surprised to see a thread that was titled "Gay."

I know Miftah, you said please, didn't point fingers and were very political (or is it polotical, IDK), but it might have been more effective just to send a personal message and point fingers to this person or persons. Unless there has been an epidemic of people using the word 'gay' around here that I haven't noticed, but I don't think it has been running rampant enough around here by a number of people to the point that it warrants this particular thread.

OK, so there's the eye rolling and sighing you were anticipating. :blah: Devil's advocate is fun... :twisted:

Re: Gay.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:16 am
by miftah
Three different people have used the term. That you didn't notice is telling...telling that either I've been quick on changing them, or that you didn't think it was offensive.

Intent doesn't matter. People who read it don't know your background and have no responsibility to researching your personal views on homosexuality. Further, I don't do conversation in PMs. Its a function of this site that I hate. A certain Llama we kicked into the cold made me hate them. Everyone needs to know that this is a border that we'd prefer you not cross, including those who use the term and those who have been privately unhappy about others using it in that manner. Hence the announcement. Its a law. Let it reverberate throughout the land.

It isn't a matter of free speech. This is not a federal institution and this isn't a democracy. Don't like it? Post elsewhere. Think that's harsh? Read the forum rules. We have had at least three people who used to post here more frequently who have stopped because of boneheaded fratboy bullshit like this. I said please, and now I will thank you. Please. Pretty please. Pretty please with sugar on top. Cut the shit.

Your pal,

Re: Gay.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:04 pm
by Moxie
I try to use gender-neutral terms for insults. "Ass hat" is probably my favourite. Things like "dick" or "twat" (and "douche" as well, since it is based on pointing out how gross women's vagina's are) imply that sexual organs are bad, and that's pretty much the opposite of how I feel. I'm not so much trying to avoid offending people as I am trying to always consider what comes out of my mouth. Also, I prefer insults that can make me laugh, like "mouth breather".

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:11 am
Moxie wrote:"douche" as well, since it is based on pointing out how gross women's vagina's are)
I started using the word douche just because of it's funny sound and it's retro status.

Thanks to Movie I may never use this word again. I think it goes against everything I love. :oops:

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:20 am
by miftah
Not me. I think vaginas are fantastic and calling a dudes an enema bags just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:27 am
by Moxie
"Douche" definitely sounds funny. I gotta say, though, "enema bag" is even better. Comparing someone to material that's been compacted in someone's colon for thirty years is much more insulting than water with a slight ph balance issue. Butts are awesome.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:24 am
by Deater
OK, so talking about the actual root of these words kinda takes the fun out. Not that I've ever used the word 'enema bag,' but now I'm sure I don't have plans to.

By no means, when I use the word 'douche,' do I actually think about the process of douching and water with a slight Ph balance. That thought does not bring me happy and gay feelings. I'm gonna go smoke a fag.

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:54 am
by mudflap
My favorites:

No Talent Ass Clown (NTAC) - great acronym for emails.
Dickless Wonder

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:58 am
by mudflap
miftah wrote:Not me. I think vaginas are fantastic and calling a dudes an enema bags just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Best phrase ever: Jam out with your clam out! :)

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:10 pm
by Moxie

Re: Gay.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:23 pm
by miftah
mudflap wrote:Best phrase ever: Jam out with your clam out! :)
Relative at all of any other pseudonyms? Seriously, that could be an email signature.