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Today's Happenings (ZOMG NEWZ)

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:20 pm
by Nickp
Ok, so nothing ever happens to me in Shitsville, Alaska (Wasilla), so today's events were, shocking.

I awake to my cat nocking a glass of water from my windopwseal , and it shattering. It hit my spinny-chair on the way down. It sucked.

I go to my homeschool base-station, and notice my coordnater's walls are covered with quotes from L. Ron Hubbard. I ask her if she's a Scientologist, and she says yes and begins chatting with me about it. Great, now I'm signed up to go to some meeting or something.

I come home, and move my DSL box/phone cord/ethernet cord over to the kitchen area for my laptop, and the little plastic thing on the ethernet cord f'in breaks off. It is now connected to my laptop via Scotch tape. I'll go buy a new one tonight.

Oh, and all weekend I spent time in Anchorage flyering downtown with stuffs for a hip hop show, taking rude comments from white people, getting kicked off the bus for cursing, and playing random instruments at my friend's house.

Oh, and eating more food than I should've.
-Nick P.