Valentine's Day Dilemmas

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Valentine's Day Dilemmas

Post by bio » Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:13 pm

My wife and I have decided that we want iPods for Valentine's Day.

But which one to get?

We had decided on the 4GB iPod nano (Red), but several people have said that we should totally get the larger iPod with 30GB.

What are your opinions?
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Post by Encap » Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:19 pm


Your entire music library will likely fit on there.
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Post by eddiecanuck » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:40 pm

Well I used to have the 20G click wheel, no color screen and it was great. Then I got the 60G Color screen and love it. I didn't think I'd do much video but it's actually decent. So I would go for the 30G at least, unless you're really worried about the size. If you're at all thinking about photos or video of any kind you'll want the bigger screen. Oh and make sure to get some sort of case for it that covers the screen and can be a buffer against scratching it when you drop it. And you will drop it.
That's my opinion anyway. Stop by and look at my iPod if you want to get an idea about it.

Post by Painted » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:59 pm

They are great. I suggest you go for a bigger one because they fill up really quick. And there is no way with all the Depeche Mode you have you will be able to squeeze in much else. I would say a 30G or bigger. As they said if you want to watch videos you're going to have to go for something other than the nano.
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Post by Encap » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:12 pm

Yea, I have a 60GB myself, and I have it full almost all of the time.
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Post by bio » Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:33 am

Thank you for your input. I'm now totally leaning toward the 30GB. That'll hold my entire mp3 collection (at the moment) with room to spare.

Of course, once I get off my ass and rip every CD I have, that may change.

Once I'm able to drive my car again (stupid drugs!), I'll get the car adapter and such (my wife will probably need that right away).

Oh... and in totally unrelated news: my home theater should come back from Newegg tomorrow. It developed an issue and I had to RMA it. I've been without a DVD/CD player for about a week now, and I'm jonesin' pretty bad (I loves me some music!).
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Post by moe flam » Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:26 am

Partially depends how you'd use it... I went for the nano (4gb) after christmas because I wanted something small for traveling, plus my wife surprised me with it on christmas (turned out to be 100% counterfeit, but that's a different story). Main use is a source for my car, via straight connection to my Pioneer deck.

If size isn't an issue, go for the gig'age.
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Post by ZIPPER » Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:07 pm

I have a 1 gb Samsung that I use every day. I mostly listen to podcasts so the 1 gb is the perfect size. I download every day and remove after I listen to them. 1 gb is more than I can listen to in a work day. If I do run out of podcast to listen to there is always about 600 mb of music in reserve. Lately it has been the whole Beatles collection on shuffle. :worship:

The reason I originally bought the 1 gb was because it was flash based and no hard drive. In my job in the warehouse I need something that can take a small beating and still work.
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Valentine's Day Dilemma

Post by mudflap » Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:44 am

This typo was irritating me.
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Post by miftah » Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:42 am

Me too. So I fixed it. Because I can.
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Post by jc » Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:42 am

So slightly off topic but a friend of mine has Vista (cringe) but the only redeeming factor is that it recognizes his iPod as an external HD and lets him bypass iTunes and just drag-n-drop. So that's one positive...

That's got to be the biggest reason I don't want an iPod, stupid iTunes and stupid .m4a
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Post by baldy » Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:56 pm

I Just got a shiney new laptop .... with Vista home premium. Still playing around, but i'll let ya know what i think in a few days.
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Post by miftah » Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:03 pm

Watching Bill Gates on the Daily Show last night, I was amazed how it took some one as digitally inept as John Stewart to expose Bill Gates for the inept figurehead he is. Don't get me wrong, I have immense respect for his more charitable instincts, but it would doubtlessly benefit MS to get someone else to sell their products to the public. You know, someone who has seen them before walking on stage.
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Post by jc » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:01 pm

That was great. I didn't see Gates as inept at all, Stewart asked maybe one semi-serious question the whole time and Gates was obviously humoring him.
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Post by miftah » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:03 pm

If not inept, he was seriously dumbing down the feature-sets. The security question was an important one and he fumbled it like a greased pig.
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